In your lifetime you will walk about 150,000 miles and so it is not surprising that any small imbalance can cause painful feet, sore legs, knee hip or back pain and if left untreated can cause wider health problems such as arthritis and deformity of the feet.

Biomechanics & Orthotic Insoles

Are you suffering from pain in your feet, knee pain or low back pain?

Heel pain, aching arches or forefoot pain when walking or running?


We all expect our feet and legs to carry us around without giving much thought as to how they work but as soon as something causes us pain then this is an indicator that something is not right and a biomechanical assessment may be necessary to determine the cause of your problem and whether further investigations are needed.


Biomechanics is the study of how the foot and leg functions and a biomechanical assessment involves an examination of the lower limbs, looking at their structure, alignment, strengths and weaknesses.

An initial consultation is required to assess the cause of your problem during which time we will look at you standing and walking.

If your feet and legs are functioning well, perhaps shoe advice or a regime of stretching exercises may be all that is required,  however if a problem is detected with the mechanics of your feet and legs then you may be advised to have Orthotic insoles.  

Biomechanical Assessment

The Podiatrist will determine the best course of action for your particular needs by initially taking a medical history and then performing an examination of and around the chief complaint.

This will be followed by a more extensive examination which may include not only the foot but also ankle, knee, leg, thigh and even hip. Pain in one area may be an indicator of a problem elsewhere so it is important to examine the legs and feet as a whole.

You will then be examined standing and an analysis of your gait follows as it is invaluable to see how you walk and perhaps even run. Also included is an examination of muscle strength, balance and joint flexibility.

How long does a biomechanical assessment take?

A full biomechanical evaluation, gait analysis and discussion of the next course of action to be taken is usually 1 hour long.

What happens after the biomechanical assessment?

The Podiatrist is then able to determine the best course of treatment for your particular needs

depending on the results of the biomechanical evaluation.

  • If the structual mechanics of your feet and legs are good then advice on  footwear may be given.
  • Physiotherapy may also be of benefit to improve flexibility and strengthen muscles.
  • The best way forward is often Orthotic insoles which are custom made and carefully constructed to fit into your shoe and also designed to fit exactly against your feet. 
  • Sometimes referrals are made to your doctor for Xrays, MRI or CT scans or further referral to a rheumatologist. 
  • Occasionally you may be recommended for surgery if other more conservative approaches are not considered right for you.

What are Orthotic Insoles?

Orthotics are not arch supports which historically were used to give relief of symptoms. However arch supports did not deal with the prime cause of your problem.


Orthotic insoles work in close partnership with your shoes and feet  to realign you skeletal posture by controlling your mechanical inefficiencies and so eliminating the specific causes of your symptoms.


The production of an Orthotic begins with casts taken of your feet. These are then sent to specialist Orthotic laboratories where they are constructed by computer from all the information taken during the Biomechanical Evaluation and Casting.


As your feet will now be functioning in a more natural and efficient manner, you will soon begin feeling the benefits with a distinct improvement in the painful areas of your feet, legs and knees, and even your back.

Very often, related callouses aches and pains diminish or disappear altogether.


What happens after I start to wear my Orthotics?

As your feet will now be functioning in a more natural and efficient manner, you will soon begin feeling the benefits with a distinct improvement in the painful areas of your feet, legs and knees, and even your back.

Very often, related callouses and aches and pains diminish or disappear altogether.


Articles from the press


click on links below:- 


Having flat feet can destroy your knees by Jenny Hudson, Mail Online


Blame your parents for those bunions by Sadie Whitelocks, Mail Online

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